Submit New Performer

If you have any questions about this form, please e-mail us

(File size not to exceed 2MB. JPG or PNG format only. If you do not have a photo, a stock icon will be used.)

Please enter the full website URL, including https://

Please check all that apply. These will be displayed on your performer profile, so only select those you are comfortable sharing.
  • Categories

As a submitter to ListenCLE, I understand that ListenCLE is not responsible for the accuracy or graphics submitted to the performer's page. It is the submitter's responsibility to enter accurate content and submit graphics to which they hold the rights. I also understand that submitting this form is not entering into any kind of contract with ListenCLE. I grant ListenCLE the rights to use the information and materials submitted as part of the ListenCLE performer directory. I understand that submission does not guarantee my inclusion in the ListenCLE performer directory. I agree to receive email with opportunities and updates from ListenCLE.