The Style Section

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IndieLarge Group (4+)MusicPopRock
Requires Access to Power

The Style Section is a rock ‘n’ roll band from Cleveland, Ohio, indebted to no one, and consisting of songwriter Nick Flasher and his strictly set pedal knobs, Kevin Daney on noodling, Steve Liderbach on bourbon/bass, and Matt Peters behind the polyamorous kit. The band has an inability to conform in any way to expected standards really because they have trouble figuring them out, and their performances are often forgettable since they challenge the audience to direct their attention elsewhere through hallucinogens.

At this point, the Section counts the elderly woman on Brockley Ave. as their most rabid fan after she interrupted an outside practice to say the guitars complement the vocals well. They’re not sure if the police officer who stopped by to talk about the noise that same practice came back a second time to tell them they were right, and that they could keep practicing until 9 p.m., or if he just wanted to party. Audiences can leave expectations, judgements, and fears at the front door, but are encouraged to leave phone numbers, money, sanity, and exultations in the tip receptacle.

The band also plans to release their debut LP in the fall of 2022.